about:Trevcan Hello there, I'm a human! I'm into programming, computers, and of course, the beloved *linux* (I use [arch](http://archlinux.org) btw). I like learning about new things, and enjoy riding bikes, reading books such as 1984 (George Orwell), talking to people, and breathing. And yeah, I've decided to start writing / blogging so yeah this is me attempting to set up a minimalist blogging system with blogit I guess and a tad of github actions automation with gh pages. [contact info here](contact.html) ### Software used: - webserver - [lighttpd](https://www.lighttpd.net/), pronounced *lightly*. - `markdown` or `discount` > A Markdown implementation written in C. - it's in the arch repos as the `discount` package but installs a program called `markdown` among other things. - https://www.pell.portland.or.us/~orc/Code/discount/ - by David Parsons - Web page styling (CSS) by tocttou's [hacker-blog](https://github.com/tocttou/hacker-blog/blob/master/_sass/base.scss) - with slight modifications from myself. - my fork of [blogit](https://git-trevcan.duckdns.org/blogit.git/tree/README.md) ;tags: meta