Nice website After reading one of the top posts on Ask HN this day, I stumbled upon this blog search engine, known as [blogsurf]( It's a blog search engine. Small community. 200 blogs ! oh my god, that's nothing! Anyways, eventually I saw one of the top blogs and stumbled upon []( The articles seem promising, I read a couple but got to the middle of each one and then left. Eventually, I clicked on the 'about' page and started reading the 'wait but who'. Very meta web-site. This about page acknowledges the hurdles of maintaining a website whilst working a (maybe?) full-time job. 3 members apparently. They seem funny. Some articles that I think seem promising but I actually haven't read: - [why i can't post on time]( - [religion for the non-religious]( - and of course, the funny faq page: [faq]( ;tags: today funny