Project Ideas this file contains a simple list of project ideas which may include software projects with a small aim: providing something that isn't currently available. If the project is in progress, it'll be listed just after it. If you have any ideas for projects... - short: short url service with simple GET/POST http requests and minimalist web UI. - clipme: copy of . simply receive get/post requests and make a file publicly available. - archivemoi: web archiver, just like the web archive wayback machine. maybe using pupeteer (python library to use the chromium debugger thingy) to take high quality screenshots, make PDFs and archive the hole html thing. - **implement all of the above using something such as fastcgi to serve with simple web requests or something** - simple rss reader that parses rss/atom files and gives you a summary in html form or even ANSI! - make simple, suckless, maybe in C, clipboard http POST pastebin. (examples: , , ) - simple terminal ncurses app that can parse and generate vcard contact info! - archivemoi-gh: GitHub archiver, generate token w/ private repo permissions