Today is Friday my dudes ! Hello Stranger. I am me. And i'm blogging. I feel kinda bad, ok ? Should I ? I don't know. I enjoyed all this. The human mind works in very mysterious ways... **insert another lame cliché here** I don't even know how to feel. i don't know what to think. The only thing that I know for certain is that I've balanced my wrong-doings. Last Tuesday I lied. I gave into a lie. But I'm an honest person, yet I had the choice to not choose to lie. But I fucking did!! And I'm not saying it's the other person's fault for suggesting _to lie_ but in fact, it was my fault. Cause it's my life, my part in the lie!, am I right ? Well yeah, of course I'm right and if I'm not say it to me by whichever means you consider, ok ? Now, today I think I've redeemed myself by not lying and by doing the exact opposite of what happened if I lied. And I feel good about it. At least I know that, so let's not forget that, alright ? I like falling in love. It was a nice experience. I would do it again, many many times. ;tags: today