Resizing images on Linux while keeping aspect ratio. bored ?, read [[0]](#references). # tldr `convert FILE -resize SIZE OUT_FILE` `convert image.jpeg -resize 300x new-image.jpeg` ( resizes `image.jpeg` to `300x` width, scaling height accordingly and writing it to `new-image.jpeg`) Where `FILE` is the input image file you'd like to resize, `SIZE` is the new size in pixels, e.g. `500x` will set a 500x width and scale the height accordingly whilst keeping the aspect ratio. And `OUT_FILE` is the output file. No, it won't modify the original file. That is all. oh, no. Dependencies!! ## dependencies - imagemagick: - available on the Arch repos and ubuntu, at least. ## references - [0]: Yeah, yeah. Maybe SEO won't put this on the top cause the title is too long and isn't that concise. Who cares!? I'm not an ad-filled website. Yet. - [1]: I originally got this off this ad-filled website: ;tags: guides