adding the fzf plugin to vim hey there! I don't know why this came to me but I guess I've seen several internet videos in which linuxy users are using a nice, fancy prompt to search files. Turns out they're using [fzf!]( , a nice tool to easily search for files in the command line. To some degree I guess it is like a dmenu prompt but in a command line. So yeah, by default it acts like a find any file recursively in the current directory, yes, including hidden files; yet still acts like a standard unix command that can take input from stdin (standard input) and only show those choices and of course, prints to stdout the result. So one can do something like ``` cat << EOF | fzf one two three four john cena EOF ``` and that will basically show you an interactive command line prompt which can let you make a choice. This is kind of similar to pedantic software's choice tool by Sylvain Gauthier and Francois-Xavier Carton. [Here's]( a blog post from Sylvain in which he explains what his tool does and its uses. I guess it kinda differs to some degree but yeah. Anyway, back to the fuzzy finder. So after seeing how not so useful this was, at least to me, I decided to make a quick internet search to see if I could use this in vim. And I could! As I've already said at the start of this post, I've seen several internet humans use vim as a file-finder. So I cloned a sample vim plugin which connects the fzf vim plugin which only gives core functions but doesn't actually implement anything. So installing all these stuff gives me a pretty prompt like this: ![fzf in vim]( and yeah that's cool, isn't it? If you're interested in how to set it up I'll put the steps below: 1. install fzf, can be found in the official Arch Linux repos and pretty much any other distro 2. install fzf core functions vim plugin; simply clone the official fzf repo to `~/.vim/pack/plugins/start/fzfcore` to start the plugin on vim startup. ``` git clone "" ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start/fzfcore ``` note: this will only work if you have the vim pack functionality. It probably is if you keep vim up to date. I think this was released in vim 8.0 3. install [fzf.vim]( as another vim plugin. Same as step 2. ``` git clone "" ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start/fzf.vim ``` And that should do the trick. Now just readthedocs @ [the fzf.vim docs readme]( and tldr;: use `:Files` to search within your home dir, hit enter and the file will be opened in vim. Also, it will show you a small preview (with syntax highlighting, if [bat]( is installed.) that's it for this blog post. should probably sleep. It's quite simple. No, I didn't create any of these config files but I guess sharing is caring, right?