the woke tech culture has spoken Read this story: Okay, fine. The DLL injection on the windows 10 uninstaller is a fair vulnerability. But what the hell happened to 'I own my machine'. I can take pride in fucking up and accepting my own decisions !?!? where's the unix philosophy at ? since when do I have to own a git repo to look at it? Wasn't this **the** decentralized control versioning system created by Linus Torvalds? The one that he kinda made in about 2 weeks but has been the top CVS for what ?, more than 12 years now ? I mean, this is an absurd decision. Hundreds of CI/CD (Continuous integration / Continuous delivery ). Even my fucking **simple** AF git hooks died. Since I am running as another more-unprivileged user now I don't have the right to clone a repo who's owned by another user in the system ? Seriously, what the hell is wrong with that !? This is, in my opinion, certainly a stupid decision. See also: ;tags: rant tech