# Variables, The Sequel {#vars2} Just when you thought it was safe to know everything there was to know about variables, this section of the guide lunges at you from the darkness! What?! There's more? Yes, I'm sorry, but I'm afraid there is. We're going to talk about a couple things in this section that increase the power you have over variables _TO THE EXTREME_. Yes, by now you realize that melodrama is a well-respected part of this guide, so you probably weren't even taken off-guard by that one, ironically. Where was I? Oh, yes; let's talk about variable _scope_ and _storage classes_. ## "Up Scope" {#varscope} You recall how in some of those functions that we previously defined there were variables that were visible from some parts of the program but not from others? Well, if you can use a variable from a certain part of a program, it's said to be _in scope_ (as opposed to _out of scope_.) A variable will be in scope if it is declared inside the block (that is, enclosed by squirrley braces) that is currently executing. Take a look at this example: ``` {.c} int frotz(int a) { int b; b = 10; /* in scope (from the local definition) */ a = 20; /* in scope (from the parameter list) */ c = 30; /* ERROR, out of scope (declared in another block, in main()) */ } int main(void) { int c; c = 20; /* in scope */ b = 30; /* ERROR, out of scope (declared above in frotz()) */ } ``` So you can see that you have to have variables declared locally for them to be in scope. Also note that the parameter `a` is also in scope for the function `frotz()` What do I mean by _local variables_, anyway? These are variable that exist and are visible only in a single basic block of code (that is, code that is surrounded by squirrley braces) and, basic blocks of code within them. For instance: ``` {.c} int main(void) { /* start of basic block */ int a = 5; /* local to main() */ if (a != 0) { int b = 10; /* local to if basic block */ a = b; /* perfectly legal--both a and b are visible here */ } b = 12; /* ERROR -- b is not visible out here--only in the if */ { /* notice I started a basic block with no statement--this is legal */ int c = 12; int a; /* Hey! Wait! There was already an "a" out in main! */ /* the a that is local to this block hides the a from main */ a = c; /* this modified the a local to this block to be 12 */ } /* but this a back in main is still 10 (since we set it in the if): */ printf("%d\n", a); } ``` There's a lot of stuff in that example, but all of it is basically a presentation of a simple rule: when it comes to local variables, you can only use them in the basic block in which they are declared, or in basic blocks within that. Look at the "ERROR" line in the example to see exactly what _won't_ work. Let's digress for a second and take into account the special case of parameters passed to functions. These are in scope for the entire function and you are free to modify them to your heart's content. They are just like local variables to the function, except that they have copies of the data you passed in, obviously. ``` {.c} void foo(int a) { int b; a = b; /* totally legal */ } ``` ### Global variables {#globals} There are other types of variables besides locals. There are _global variables_, for instance. Sounds grand, huh. Though they're aren't exactly the chicken's pajamas for a number of reasons, they're still a powerful piece of the language. Wield this power with care, since you can make code that's very hard to maintain if you abuse it. A global variable is visible thoughout the entire file that it is defined in (or declared in---more on that later). So it's just like a local, except you can use it from anyplace. I guess, then, it's rather not like a local at all. But here's an example: ``` {.c} #include /* this is a global variable. We know it's global, because it's */ /* been declared in "global scope", and not in a basic block somewhere */ int g = 10; void afunc(int x) { g = x; /* this sets the global to whatever x is */ } int main(void) { g = 10; /* global g is now 10 */ afunc(20); /* but this function will set it to 20 */ printf("%d\n", g); /* so this will print "20" */ } ``` Remember how local variables go on the stack? Well, globals go on _the heap_, another chunk of memory. And never the twain shall meet. You can think of the heap as being more "permanent" than the stack, in many ways. (Dang it---the C Standard doesn't say anything about the heap, either. But, like the stack, all C programmers use the terminology and will know what you're talking about.) Now, I mentioned that globals can be dangerous. How is that? Well, one thing you could imagine is a large-scale project in which there were a bazillion globals declared by a bazillion different programmers. What if they named them the same thing? What if you thought you were using a local, but you had forgotten to declare it, so you were using the global instead? (Ooo. That's a good side note: if you declare a local with the same name as a global, it hides the global and all operations in the scope will take place on the local variable.) What else can go wrong? Sometimes using global variables encourages people to not structure their code as well as they might have otherwise. It's a good idea to not use them until there simply is no other reasonable way to move data around. Another thing to consider is this: does it actually make sense to have this data stored globally for all to see? For example, if you have a game where you use "the temperature of the world" in a lot of different places, that might be a good candidate for a global varible. Why? Because it's a pain to pass it around, and everyone has the same need for it. On the other hand, "the temperature of this guy's little finger" might not be of so much interest to the rest of the universe. It'd be better to store that data in a way that's more associated with the guy than globally. We'll talk more later about associating data with things (nice and vague, huh?) later. ## Storage Classes {#stclasses} What is a storage class? It's a class for storing variables. You're welcome. Don't get this confused with any C++ class, either, since it's not at all the same thing. So what does a storage class declaration do? It tells the compiler where to store the data, such as on the stack or on the heap, or if variable data storage is already declared elsewhere. "What?" Let's just get some examples in there and it'll make more sense. ### Gimme some static! { #static} Ready? Here's an example: I'm sitting on BART (the Bay Area Rapid Transit subway) as I type this on my way home from work. There is a young couple happily canoodling each other in the seat in front of me, and it's completely distracting. ...Er, what. No, an example! Yes! Ok, here it is: ``` {.c} void print_plus_one(void) { static int a=0; /* static storage class! */ printf("%d\n", a); a++; /* increment the static value */ } int main(void) { print_plus_one(); /* prints "0" */ print_plus_one(); /* prints "1" */ print_plus_one(); /* prints "2" */ print_plus_one(); /* prints "3" */ print_plus_one(); /* prints "4" */ } ``` What have we here? How can this magic be? Isn't that a local variable in `print_plus_one()` and doesn't it get allocated on the stack and doesn't it go away after the function returns? How can it possibly remember the value from the last call? The answer: it uses the modern day magic that is the `static` keyword. This directive (given before the type) tells the compiler to actually store this data someplace permanent instead of the stack! Ooooo! Well, the value gets initialized once (in the definition), and it never gets initialized again, so all operations on it are cumulative. Also, if you simply define a local variable as static, it'll be initialized automatically to zero unless you specify otherwise. You'll probably see more use for this later, but it's common enough that you should know about it. ### Other Storage Classes {#otherstor} There are other storage classes, yes. The default is `auto`, which you never see in the wild since it's default. Another is `extern` which tells the compiler that the definition of the variable is in a different file. This allows you to reference a global variable from a file, even if its definition is somewhere else. It would be illegal to define it twice, and since it's global it'd be nice to have it available across different source files. I know, I know. It's hard to imagine now, but programs do get big enough to span multiple files eventually. `:-)` # Structures and Unions {#structs} You've been messing with variables for quite some time now, and you've made a bunch of them here and there to do stuff, yes? Usually you bundle them into the same basic block and let it go at that. Sometimes, though, it makes more sense to put them together into a _structure_. This is a construct that allows you to logically (or even illogically, if the fancy takes you) group variables into, uh, groups. You can then reference the group as a whole. One place this comes in really handily is if you want to pass 13 bazillion parameters to a function, but don't want the function declaration to be that long. You just put all the variables into a structure (or `struct`, as it is normally called), and then pass that structure to the function. (Actually, people usually pass a pointer to the structure, but we'll get to that later.) So how do you use one of these things? First off, the `struct` itself is a new type. If you make a variable that is a `struct foo`, its type is "`struct foo`", just as the number 12 is of type "`int`". This is a little bit spooky because this could be the first time you've created a new type, and it might be unclear how that works. Adding to the confusion, it turns out there are multiple ways to create and use a new `struct` type, and barely any of them are particularly intuitive. We'll have an example of one way to declare a new `struct` here: ``` {.c} #include /* Here we declare the type so we can use it later: */ struct stuff { int val; float b; }; /* Note that we don't actually have any variables of that type, yet. */ int main(void) { /* ok, now let's declare a variable "s" of type "struct stuff" */ struct stuff s; s.val = 3490; /* assignment into a struct! */ s.b = 3.14159; printf("The val field in s is: %d\n", s.val); } ``` The compiler allows us to predeclare a `struct` like in the example. We can then use it later, like we do in `main()` to assign values into it. When we say things like `s.val = 3490`, we are using a special operator to access the `val` field, known as the _dot operator_ (`.`). ## Pointers to `struct`s {#structpt} Now let's talk a bit about how to pass these `struct`s around to other functions and stuff. I mentioned before that you probably want to pass a pointer to the `struct` instead of the `struct` itself. Why? Don't you hate it when the professor asks you a question like that, but you're too tired in lecture to care to begin to think about it? "Just tell me and we'll get on with it," is what you're thinking, isn't it? Fine! Be that way! Well, remember that when you pass parameters to functions, and I'll clear my throat here in preparation to say again, _EVERY PARAMETER WITHOUT FAIL GETS COPIED ONTO THE STACK when you call a function!_ So if you have a huge `struct` that's like 80,000 bytes in size, it's going to copy that onto the stack when you pass it. That takes time. Instead, why not pass a pointer to the `struct`? I hear you---doesn't the pointer have to get copied on the stack then? Sure does, but a pointer is only 4 or 8 bytes these days, so it's much easier on the machine, and works faster. And there's even a little bit of _syntactic sugar_ to help access the fields in a pointer to a `struct`. For those that aren't aware, syntactic sugar is a feature of a compiler that simplifies the code even though there is another way to accomplish the same thing. For instance, I've already mentioned the `+=` a number of times...what does it do? Did I ever tell you? To be honest, in all the excitement, I've forgotten myself. Here is an example that shows how it works like another two operators, but is a little bit easier to use. It is syntactic sugar: ``` {.c} i = i + 12; /* add 12 to i */ i += 12; /* <-- does exactly the same thing as "i = i + 12" */ ``` You see? It's not a necessary operator because there's another way to do the same thing, but people like the shortcut. But we are way off course, buster. I was talking about pointers to `struct`s, and here we are talking about how to access them. Here's an example wherein we have a `struct` variable, and another variable that is a pointer to that `struct` type, and some usage for both (this will use `struct stuff` from above): ``` {.c} #include /* Here we declare the type so we can use it later: */ struct antelope { int val; float something; }; int main(void) { struct antelope a; struct antelope *b; /* this is a pointer to a struct antelope */ b = &a; /* let's point b at a for laughs and giggles */ a.val = 3490; /* normal struct usage, as we've already seen */ /* since b is a pointer, we have to dereference it before we can */ /* use it: */ (*b).val = 3491; /* but that looks kinda bad, so let's do the exact same thing */ /* except this time we'll use the "arrow operator", which is a */ /* bit of syntactic sugar: */ b->val = 3491; /* EXACTLY the same as (*b).val = 3491; */ } ``` So here we've seen a couple things. For one, we have the manner with which we dereference a pointer to a `struct` and then use the dot operator (`.`) to access it. This is kind of the classic way of doing things: we have a pointer, so we dereference it to get at the variable it points to, then we can treat it as if it _is_ that variable. But, syntactic sugar to the rescue, we can use the _arrow operator_ (`->`) instead of the dot operator! Saves us from looking ugly in the code, doesn't? The arrow operator has a built-in dereference, so you don't have to mess with that syntax when you have a pointer to a `struct`. So the rule is this: if you have a `struct`, use the dot operator; if you have a _pointer_ to a `struct`, use the arrow operator (`->`). ## Passing `struct` pointers to functions {#ptsfunc} This is going to be a very short section about passing pointers to structs to functions. I mean, you already know how to pass variables as paramters to functions, and you already know how to make and use pointers to `struct`s, so there's really not much to be said here. An example should show it straightforwardly enough. ("Straightforwardly"--there's an oxymoronic word if ever I saw one.) Grrrr. Why do I always sit on this side of the bus? I mean, I know that the sun streams in here, and I can barely read my screen with the bright light blazing away against it. You think I'd learn by now. So _anyway_... ``` {.c} #include struct mutantfrog { int num_legs; int num_eyes; }; void build_beejs_frog(struct mutantfrog *f) { f->num_legs = 10; f->num_eyes = 1; } int main(void) { struct mutantfrog rudolph; build_beejs_frog(&rudolph); /* passing a pointer to the struct */ printf("leg count: %d\n", rudolph.num_legs); /* prints "10" */ printf("eye count: %d\n", rudolph.num_eyes); /* prints "1" */ } ``` Another thing to notice here: if we passed the `struct` instead of a pointer to the `struct`, what would happen in the function `build_beejs_frog()` when we changed the values? That's right: they'd only be changed in the local copy, and not back at out in `main()`. So, in short, pointers to `struct`s are the way to go when it comes to passing `struct`s to functions. ## Unions {#unions} Now that we've covered `struct`s to a certain extent, we can talk about a related entity called a `union`. Syntactically, `union`s are very much the same as `struct`s; take the above examples and replace the word `struct` with the word `union` and you're there. But you need to be aware of the important difference between the two. And the important difference is this: `union`s share the same memory space for all their members. For example, consider this `union`: ``` {.c} union misc_stuff{ int train_type; char *crab_name; float cups_of_coffee; }; ``` If you store something in the `train_type` field, it's going to munge what's in the `crab_name` field and the `cups_of_coffee` field. That's because all three fields are stored in the same place in memory. The reason `union` exists is to allow you to save memory in a `struct`-like construct when you know you won't be using the fields at the same time. A more practical example might be if you wanted to store data and its type, you could store the type as an `int` (or an `[enum](#enum)`, talked about later), and then store the data in a `union`, below that. ``` {.c} #include struct variable { // 0 = int, 1 = float, 2 = string int type; union data { int i; float f; char *s; } data; }; void print_variable(struct variable *v) { switch(v->type) { case 0: // int printf("%d\n", v->data.i); break; case 1: // float printf("%f\n", v->data.f); break; case 2: // string printf("%s\n", v->data.s); break; } } int main(void) { struct variable v; v.type = 1; v.data.f = 0.8; print_variable(&v); } ``` Just a quick note here to get you thinking about how you're going to be breaking stuff down into basic blocks. You now have a lot of different tools at your disposal: loops, conditionals, `struct`s, and especially functions. Remember back on how you learned to break down projects into little pieces and see what you'd use these individual tools for. # Arrays {#arrays} What a wide array of information we have for you in this section. _*BLAM*!_ We're sorry---that pun has been taken out and shot. An array: a linear collection of related data. Eh? It's a continuous chunk of memory that holds a number of identical data types. Why would we want to do that? Well, here's an example without arrays: ``` {.c} int age0; int age1; int age2; int age3; int age4; age1 = 10; printf("age 1 is %d\n", age1); ``` And here is that same example using the magical power of arrays: ``` {.c} int age[5]; age[1] = 10; printf("age 1 is %d\n", age[1]); ``` Ooooo! See how much prettier that is? You use the square-brackets notation (`[]`) to access _elements_ in the array by putting an `int` variable in there or, like we did in the example, a constant number. Since you can _index_ the array using a variable, it means you can do things in loops and stuff. Here's a better example: ``` {.c} int i; int age[5] = {10,20,25,8,2}; for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) { printf("age %d is %d\n", i, age[i]); } ``` Whoa---we've done a couple new things here. For one, you'll notice in the array definition that we've initialized the entire array at once. This is allowed _in the definition only_. Once you get down to the code, it's too late to initialize the array like this, and it must be done an element at a time. The other thing to notice is how we've accessed the array element inside the `for` loop: using `age[i]`. So what happens in this `for` is that `i` runs from 0 to 4, and so each `age` is printed out in turn, like so: ```shell age 0 is 10 age 1 is 20 age 2 is 25 age 3 is 8 age 4 is 2 ``` Why does it run from 0 to 4 instead of 1 to 5? Good question. The easiest answer is that the array index numbers are _zero-based_ instead of one-based. That's not really an answer, I know...well, it turns out that most (if not all) processors use zero-based indexing in their machine code for doing memory access, so this maps very well to that. You can make arrays of any type you desire, including `struct`s, and pointers. ## Passing arrays to functions {#array2fun} It's pretty effortless to pass an array to a function, but things get a little wierd. The weirdest part is that when you pass the "whole" array by putting its name in as a parameter to the function, it's actually a _pointer to the first element of the array_ that gets passed in for you. Now, inside the function, you can still access the array using array notation (`[]`). Here's an example: ``` {.c} void init_array(int a[], int count) { int i; /* for each element, set it equal to its index number times 10: */ for(i = 0; i < count; i++) a[i] = i * 10; } int main(void) { int mydata[10]; init_array(mydata, 10); /* note lack of [] notation */ } ``` A couple things to note here are that we didn't have to specify the array _dimension_ (that is, how many elements are in the array) in the declaration for `init_array()`. We could have, but we didn't have to. Also, since an array in C has no built-in concept of how big it is (i.e. how many elements it holds), we have to be nice and cooperative and actually pass in the array size separately into the function. We use it later in the `for` to know how many elements to initialize. Hey! We didn't use the address-of operator in the call! Wouldn't that make a copy of the array onto the stack? Isn't that bad? Well, no. When you have an array, leaving off the and square brackets gives you a _pointer_ to the first element of the array. (You can use the address-of operator if you want, but it actually results in a different pointer type, so it might not be what you expect.) So it is, in fact, a pointer to the array that's getting copied onto the stack for the function call, not the entire array. Right about now, you should be recognizing that you can use arrays to hold a lot of things, and that could serve you quite well in your projects which often involve collections of data. For instance, let's say: > We have a virtual world where we have a number of virtual creatures that run around doing virtual things. Each creature has a real X and Y coordinate. There are 12 creatures. Each step of the simulation, the creatures will process their behavior algorithm and move to a new position. The new position should be displayed. Uh oh! Time for building blocks! What do we have? Ok, we need an X and Y coordinate for the creatures. We need 12 creatures. We need a construct that repeatedly processes the behavior for each. And we need output. So the coordinates of the creature. There are a few ways to do this. You could have two arrays of 12 elements, one to hold the X and one to hold the Y coordinate. (These are known as _parallel arrays_.) But let's instead try to think of a way that we could bundle those data together. I mean, they're both related to the same virtual creature, so wouldn't it be nice to have them somehow logically related? If only there were a way...but wait! That's right! A `struct`! ``` {.c} struct creature { float x; float y; }; ``` There we go. Now we need 12 of them; 12 items of type `struct creature`. What's a good way of holding a collection of identical types? Yes, yes! Array! ``` {.c} struct creature guys[12]; ``` So what else---we need to be able to repeatedly execute the behavior of these creatures. Like looping over and over and over...yes, a loop would be good for that. But how many times should we loop? I mean, the specification didn't tell us that, so it's an excellent question. Often we'll loop until some exit condition is true (like the user presses ESCAPE or something like that), but since the spec writer didn't say, let's just loop forever. ``` {.c} for(;;) { /* loop forever */ ``` Now what? We need to write the behavior of the creatures and put it in the loop, right? Since this is a lot of self-contained code we're about to write, we might as well stick it in a function and call that function for each of the creatures. But I'll leave the actual implementation of that function up to you, the reader. `:-)` ``` {.c} for(i = 0; i < 12; i++) { execute_behavior(&(guys[i])); } ``` You notice that we did use the address-of operator there in the call. In this case, we're not passing the whole array; we're just passing a pointer to a single element in the array. It's not always necessary to do that (you could have it copy the single element in the call), but since this is a `struct`, I pass a pointer to keep the memory overhead low. The last thing to do was to output the information. How this is done should be in the spec, but isn't. It would be cool to do a hi-resolution screen with little icons for where the creatures are, but that is currently beyond the scope of what we're doing here, so we'll just write a simple thing to print out the creatures. One final note---it's always a good idea to initialize the data before using it, right? So I'll write a function that initializes the creatures, too, before we use it. How it initializes them is also undefined in the spec, so I'll arbitrarily set them up in a diagonal line. Completed (except for the behavior) code: ``` {.c} #include struct creature { float x; float y; }; void execute_behavior(struct creature *c) { /* does nothing now */ /* --you'll have to code it if you want them to ever move! */ } main(int main(void) { int i; struct creature guys[12]; /* initialize them--could be its own function: */ for(i = 0; i < 12; i++) { guys[i].x = (float)i; /* (float) is a "cast"--it changes the type! */ guys[i].y = (float)i; } /* main loop */ for(;;) { /* loop forever */ /* have them do their thing: */ for(i = 0; i < 12; i++) { execute_behavior(&(guy[i])); } /* output the result */ for(i = 0; i < 12; i++) { printf("creature %d: (%.2f, %.2f)\n", i, guys[i].x, guys[i].y); } } } ``` I threw in a _cast_ there in the code: `(float)`. See `i` is an `int`, but each of the fields `guys[i].x` and `guys[i].y` is a `float`. The cast changes the expression right after it, in this case "`i`" to the specified type. It's always a good idea to have the same types on both sides of the assignment operator (`=`). Another new thing is the "`%.2f`" in the `printf()` format string. A plain "`%f`" means to print a `float`, which is what we're passing it. The addtional "`.2`" means print it using two decimal places. You can leave the "`.2`" off and see what happens. `:-)` # Strings {#strings} A string is a theoretical construct in modern physics that is used to help explain the very fabric of the universe itself. This is _exactly_ the same as a C string, except that it is, in fact, completely different. A string in C is a sequence of bytes in memory that usually contains a bunch of letters. Constant strings in C are surrounded by double quotes (`"`). You may have seen strings before in such programming blockbusters, such as Hello World: ``` {.c} #include int main(void) { printf("Hello, World!\n"); } ``` You've spotted the string `"Hello, World!\n"` in there, haven't you? What type is that string, anyway? Well, it turns out that a constant string (that is, one in double quotes) is of type `char*`. But you can also put a string in a `char` array, if you so desire. The `char*` points at the first character in the string. Examples: ``` {.c} char *s = "Hello!"; printf("%s\n", s); /* prints "Hello!" */ printf("%c\n", *s); /* prints 'H' */ printf("%c\n", s[0]); /* prints 'H' */ printf("%c\n", s[1]); /* prints 'e' */ printf("%c\n", s[4]); /* prints 'o' */ ``` (Note the two new format specifiers for `printf()` here: `%c` for printing a single `char`, and `%s` for printing a string! Ain't that exciting!) And look here, we're accessing this string in a whole variety of different ways. We're printing the whole thing, and we're printing single characters. You can also initialize `char` arrays during their definition, just like other arrays: ``` {.c} char s[20] = "The aliens are coming!"; ``` And you can change the array elements on the fly, too by simply assigning into it: ``` {.c} char s[20] = "Give me $10!"; printf("%s\n", s); /* prints "Give me $10!" */ s[9] = '8'; printf("%s\n", s); /* prints "Give me $80!" */ ``` In this case, note that we've put a constant `char` on the right side of the assignment. Constant `char`s use the single quote (`'`). One more thing to remember is that when you specify an array by name without the square brackets, it's just like using a pointer to the beginning of the array. So you can actually do assignments like this: ``` {.c} char a[20] = "Cats are better."; char *p; p = a; /* p now points to the first char in array a */ ``` One more thing: strings in C end with a NUL character. That is, a zero. It is most properly written as '\0'. You can truncate a string to zero length by assigning '\0' to the first byte in the string. Also, all the standard string functions assume the string ends with a NUL character. Standard string functions, did I say? Yes, I did. C provides a whole metric slew of functions that you can use to modify strings, stick them together, parse them apart, and so on. Check out the reference section for all the brilliant _string processing power_ at your disposal. It is your responsibility as a citizen of the Planet Earth to wield this ultimate power wisely! (And pay me $80.) # Dynamic Memory {#dydydynamic} Well, aren't you looking dynamic this morning, reader? Or is it evening? I always lose track of these things. Up until now, we've been talking about memory that pretty much is set up at the beginning of the program run. You have constant strings here and there, arrays of predeclared length, and variables all declared ahead of time. But what if you have something like the following? > **Assignment:** Implement a program that will read an arbitrary number of integers from the keyboard. The first line the user enters will be the number of `int`s to read. The `int`s themselves will appear on subsequent lines, one `int` per line. Yes, it's that time again: break it up into component parts that you can implement. You'll need to read lines of text from the keyboard (there's a cool little function called `fgets()` that can help here), and the first line you'll need to convert to an integer so you know how many more lines to read. (You can use `atoi()`, read "ascii-to-integer" to do this conversion.) Then you'll need to read that many more strings and store them...where? Here's where dynamic memory can help out---we need to store a bunch of `int`s, but we don't know how many until after the program has already started running. What we do is find out how many `int`s we need, then we calculate how many bytes we need for each, multiply those two numbers to get the total number of bytes we need to store everything, and then ask the OS to allocate that many bytes for us on the heap for us to use in the manner we choose. In this case, we're choosing to store `int`s in there. There are three functions we're going to talk about here. Well, make that four functions, but one is just a variant of another: `malloc()` (allocate some memory for us to use), `free()` (release some memory that `malloc()` gave us earlier), `realloc()` (change the size of some previously allocated memory), and `calloc()` (just like `malloc()`, except clears the memory to zero.) Using these functions in unison results in a beautifully intricate dance of data, ebbing and flowing with the strong tidal pull of the dedicated user's will. Yeah. Let's cut the noise and get on with it here. ## `malloc()` {#mallocg} This is the big one: he's the guy that gives you memory when you ask for it. It returns to you a pointer to a chunk of memory of a specified number of bytes, or `NULL` if there is some kind of error (like you're out of memory). The return type is actually `void*`, so it can turn into a pointer to whatever you want. Since `malloc()` operates in bytes of memory and you often operate with other data types (e.g. "Allocate for me 12 `int`s."), people often use the `sizeof()` operator to determine how many bytes to allocate, for example: ``` {.c} int *p; p = malloc(sizeof(int) * 12); // allocate for me 12 ints! ``` Oh, and that was pretty much an example of how to use `malloc()`, too. You can reference the result using pointer arithmetic or array notation; either is fine since it's a pointer. But you should really check the result for errors: ``` {.c} int *p; p = malloc(sizeof(float) * 3490); // allocate 3490 floats! if (p == NULL) { printf("Horsefeathers! We're probably out of memory!\n"); exit(1); } ``` More commonly, people pack this onto one line: ``` {.c} if ((p = malloc(100)) == NULL) { // allocate 100 bytes printf("Ooooo! Out of memory error!\n"); exit(1); } ``` Now remember this: you're allocating memory on the heap and there are only two ways to ever get that memory back: 1) your program can exit, or 2) you can call `free()` to free a `malloc()`'d chunk. If your program runs for a long time and keeps `malloc()`ing and never `free()`ing when it should, it's said to "leak" memory. This often manifests itself in a way such as, "Hey, Bob. I started your print job monitor program a week ago, and now it's using 13 terabytes of RAM. Why is that?" Be sure to avoid memory leaks! `free()` that memory when you're done with it! ## `free()` {#gfree} Speaking of how to free memory that you've allocated, you do it with the implausibly-named `free()` function. This function takes as its argument a pointer that you've picked up using `malloc()` (or `calloc()`). And it releases the memory associated with that data. You really should never use memory after it has been `free()`'d. It would be Bad. So how about an example: ``` {.c} int *p; p = malloc(sizeof(int) * 37); // 37 ints! free(p); // on second thought, never mind! ``` Of course, between the `malloc()` and the `free()`, you can do anything with the memory your twisted little heart desires. ## `realloc()` {#grealloc} `realloc()` is a fun little function that takes a chunk of memory you allocated with `malloc()` (or `calloc()`) and changes the size of the memory chunk. Maybe you thought you only needed 100 `int`s at first, but now you need 200. You can `realloc()` the block to give you the space you need. This is all well and good, except that `realloc()` might have to _move your data_ to another place in memory if it can't, for whatever reason, increase the size of the current block. It's not omnipotent, after all. What does this mean for you, the mortal? Well in short, it means you should use `realloc()` sparingly since it could be an expensive operation. Usually the procedure is to keep track of how much room you have in the memory block, and then add another big chunk to it if you run out. So first you allocate what you'd guess is enough room to hold all the data you'd require, and then if you happened to run out, you'd reallocate the block with the next best guess of what you'd require in the future. What makes a good guess depends on the program. Here's an example that just allocates more "buckets" of space as needed: ``` {.c} #include #define INITIAL_SIZE 10 #define BUCKET_SIZE 5 static int data_count; // how many ints we have stored static int data_size; // how many ints we *can* store in this block static int *data; // the block of data, itself int main(void) { void add_data(int new_data); // function prototype int i; // first, initialize the data area: data_count = 0; data_size = INITIAL_SIZE; data = malloc(data_size * sizeof(int)); // allocate initial area // now add a bunch of data for(i = 0; i < 23; i++) { add_data(i); } } void add_data(int new_data) { // if data_count == data_size, the area is full and // needs to be realloc()'d before we can add another: if (data_count == data_size) { // we're full up, so add a bucket data_size += BUCKET_SIZE; data = realloc(data, data_size * sizeof(int)); } // now store the data *(data+data_count) = new_data; // ^^^ the above line could have used array notation, like so: // data[data_count] = new_data; data_count++; } ``` In the above code, you can see that a potentially expensive `realloc()` is only done after the first 10 `int`s have been stored, and then again only after each block of five after that. This beats doing a `realloc()` every time you add a number, hands down. (Yes, yes, in that completely contrived example, since I know I'm adding 23 numbers right off the get-go, it would make much more sense to set `INITIAL_SIZE` to 25 or something, but that defeats the whole purpose of the example, now, doesn't it?) ## `calloc()` {#gcalloc} Since you've already read the section on `malloc()` (you have, right?), this part will be easy! Yay! Here's the scoop: `calloc()` is just like `malloc()`, except that it 1) clears the memory to zero for you, and 2) it takes two parameters instead of one. The two parameters are the number of elements that are to be in the memory block, and the size of each element. Yes, this is exactly like we did in `malloc()`, except that `calloc()` is doing the multiply for you: ``` {.c} // this: p = malloc(10 * sizeof(int)); // is just like this: p = calloc(10, sizeof(int)); // (and the memory is cleared to zero when using calloc()) ``` The pointer returned by `calloc()` can be used with `realloc()` and `free()` just as if you had used `malloc()`. The drawback to using `calloc()` is that it takes time to clear memory, and in most cases, you don't need it clear since you'll just be writing over it anyway. But if you ever find yourself `malloc()`ing a block and then setting the memory to zero right after, you can use `calloc()` to do that in one call. I wish this section on `calloc()` were more exciting, with plot, passion, and violence, like any good Hollywood picture, but...this is C programming we're talking about. And that should be exciting in its own right. Sorry! # More Stuff! { #morestuff} This is the section where we flesh out a bunch of the stuff we'd done before, except in more detail. We even throw a couple new things in there for good measure. You can read these sections in any order you want and as you feel you need to. ## Pointer Arithmetic {#ptarith} Pointer _what_? Yeah, that's right: you can perform math on pointers. What does it mean to do that, though? Well, pay attention, because people use _pointer arithmetic_ all the time to manipulate pointers and move around through memory. You can add to and subtract from pointers. If you have a pointer to a `char`, incrementing that pointer moves to the next `char` in memory (one byte up). If you have a pointer to an `int`, incrementing that pointer moves to the next `int` in memory (which might be four bytes up, or some other number depending on your CPU architecture.) It's important to know that the number of bytes of memory it moves differs depending on the type of pointer, but that's actually all taken care of for you. ``` {.c} /* This code prints: */ /* 50 */ /* 99 */ /* 3490 */ int main(void) { int a[4] = { 50, 99, 3490, 0 }; int *p; p = a; while(*p > 0) { printf("%i\n", *p); p++; /* go to the next int in memory */ } } ``` What have we done! How does this print out the values in the array? First of all, we point `p` at the first element of the array. Then we're going to loop until what `p` points at is less than or equal to zero. Then, inside the loop, we print what `p` is pointing at. Finally, _and here's the tricky part_, we _increment the pointer_. This causes the pointer to move to the next `int` in memory so we can print it. In this case, I've arbitrarily decided (yeah, it's shockingly true: I just make all this stuff up) to mark the end of the array with a zero value so I know when to stop printing. This is known as a _sentinel value_...that is, something that lets you know when some data ends. If this sounds familiar, it's because you just saw it in the section on strings. Remember---strings end in a zero character (`'\0'`) and the string functions use this as a sentinel value to know where the string ends. Lots of times, you see a `for` loop used to go through pointer stuff. For instance, here's some code that copies a string: ``` {.c} char *source = "Copy me!"; char dest[20]; /* we'll copy that string into here */ char *sp; /* source pointer */ char *dp; /* destination pointer */ for(sp = source, dp = dest; *sp != '\0'; sp++, dp++) { *dp = *sp; } printf("%s\n", dest); /* prints "Copy me!" */ ``` Looks complicated! Something new here is the _comma operator_ (`,`). The comma operator allows you to stick expressions together. The total value of the expression is the rightmost expression after the comma, but all parts of the expression are evaluated, left to right. So let's take apart this `for` loop and see what's up. In the initialization section, we point `sp` and `dp` to the source string and the destination area we're going to copy it to. In the body of the loop, the actual copy takes place. We copy, using the assignment operator, the character that the source pointer points to, to the address that the destination pointer points to. So in this way, we're going to copy the string a letter at a time. The middle part of the `for` loop is the continuation condition---we check here to see if the source pointer points at a NUL character which we know exists at the end of the source string. Of course, at first, it's pointing at `'C'` (of the "Copy me!" string), so we're free to continue. At the end of the `for` statement we'll increment both `sp` and `dp` to move to the next character to copy. Copy, copy, copy! ## `typedef` {#typedef} This one isn't too difficult to wrap your head around, but there are some strange nuances to it that you might see out in the wild. Basically `typedef` allows you to make up an alias for a certain type, so you can reference it by that name instead. Why would you want to do that? The most common reason is that the other name is a little bit too unwieldy and you want something more concise...and this most commonly occurs when you have a `struct` that you want to use. ``` {.c} struct a_structure_with_a_large_name { int a; float b; }; typedef struct a_structure_with_a_large_name NAMESTRUCT; int main(void) { /* we can make a variable of the structure like this: */ struct a_structure_with_a_large_name one_variable; /* OR, we can do it like this: */ NAMESTRUCT another_variable; } ``` In the above code, we've defined a type, `NAMESTRUCT`, that can be used in place of the other type, `struct a_structure_with_a_large_name`. Note that this is now a full-blown type; you can use it in function calls, or whereever you'd use a "normal" type. (Don't tell `typedef`'d types they're not normal---it's impolite.) You're probably also wondering why the new type name is in all caps. Historically, `typedef`'d types have been all caps in C by convention (it's certainly not necessary.) In C++, this is no longer the case and people use mixed case more often. Since this is a C guide, we'll stick to the old ways. (One thing you might commonly see is a `struct` with an underscore before the `struct` tag name in the `typedef`. Though technically illegal, many programmers like to use the same name for the `struct` as they do for the new type, and putting the underscore there differentiates the two visually. But you shouldn't do it.) You can also typedef "anonymous" `struct`s, like this ``` {.c} typedef struct { int a; float b; } someData; ``` So then you can define variables as type `someData`. Very exciting. ## `enum` {#enum} Sometimes you have a list of numbers that you want to use to represent different things, but it's easier for the programmer to represent those things by name instead of number. You can use an `enum` to make symbolic names for integer numbers that programmers can use later in their code in place of `int`s. (I should note that C is more relaxed than C++ is here about interchanging `int`s and `enum`s. We'll be all happy and C-like here, though.) Note that an `enum` is a type, too. You can `typedef` it, you can pass them into functions, and so on, again, just like "normal" types. Here are some enums and their usage. Remember---treat them just like `int`s, more or less. ``` {.c} enum fishtypes { HALIBUT, TUBESNOUT, SEABASS, ROCKFISH }; int main(void) { enum fishtypes fish1 = SEABASS; enum fishtypes fish2; if (fish1 == SEABASS) { fish2 = TUBESNOUT; } } ``` Nothing to it---they're just symbolic names for unique numbers. Basically it's easier for other programmers to read and maintain. Now, you can print them out using `%d` in `printf()`, if you want. For the most part, though, there's no reason to know what the actual number is; usually you just want the symbolic representation. But, since I know you're dying of curiosity, I might as well tell you that the `enum`s start at zero by default, and increase from there. So in the above example, `HALIBUT` would be 0, `TUBESNOUT` would be 1, and `ROCKFISH` would be 3. If you want, though, you can override any or all of these: ``` {.c} enum frogtypes { THREELEGGED=3, FOUREYED, SIXHEADED=6 }; ``` In the above case, two of the enums are explicitly defined. For `FOUREYED` (which isn't defined), it just increments one from the last defined value, so its value is 4. You can, if you're curious, have duplicate values, but why would you want to, sicko? ## More `struct` declarations {#morestruct} Remember how, many moons ago, I mentioned that there were a number of ways to declare `struct`s and not all of them made a whole lot of sense. We've already seen how to declare a `struct` globally to use later, as well as one in a `typedef` situation, _comme ca_: ``` {.c} /* standalone: */ struct antelope { int legcount; float angryfactor; }; /* or with typedef: */ typedef struct _goatcheese { char victim_name[40]; float cheesecount; } GOATCHEESE; ``` But you can also declare variables along with the `struct` declaration by putting them directly afterward: ``` {.c} struct breadtopping { enum toppingtype type; /* BUTTER, MARGARINE or MARMITE */ float amount; } mytopping; /* just like if you'd later declared: */ struct breadtopping mytopping; ``` So there we've kinda stuck the variable defintion on the tail end of the `struct` definition. Pretty sneaky, but you see that happen from time to time in that so-called _Real Life_ thing that I hear so much about. And, just when you thought you had it all, you can actually omit the `struct` name in many cases. For example: ``` {.c} typedef struct { /* <--Hey! We left the name off! */ char name[100]; int num_movies; } ACTOR_PRESIDENT; ``` It's more _right_ to name all your `struct`s, even if you don't use the proper name and only use the `typedef`'d name, but you still see those naked `struct`s here and there. ## Command Line Arguments {#clargs} I've been lying to you this whole time, I must admit. I thought I could hide it from you and not get caught, but you realized that something was wrong...why doesn't the `main()` have a return type or argument list? Well, back in the depths of time, for some reason, !!!TODO research!!! it was perfectly acceptable to do that. And it persists to this day. Feel free to do that, in fact, But that's not telling you the whole story, and it's time you knew the _whole truth_! Welcome to the real world: ``` {.c} int main(int argc, char **argv) ``` Whoa! What is all that stuff? Before I tell you, though, you have to realize that programs, when executed from the command line, accept arguments from the command line program, and return a result to the command line program. Using many Unix shells, you can get the return value of the program in the shell variable `$?`. (This doesn't even work in the windows command shell---use !!!TODO look up windows return variable!!! instead.) And you specify parameters to the program on the command line after the program name. So if you have a program called "makemoney", you can run it with parameters, and then check the return value, like this: ```shell $ makemoney fast alot $ echo $? 2 ``` In this case, we've passed two command line arguments, "fast" and "alot", and gotten a return value back in the variable `$?`, which we've printed using the Unix `echo` command. How does the program read those arguments, and return that value? Let's do the easy part first: the return value. You've noticed that the above prototype for `main()` returns an `int`. Swell! So all you have to do is either `return` that value from `main()` somewhere, or, alternatively, you can call the function `exit()` with an exit value as the parameter: ``` {.c} int main(void) { int a = 12; if (a == 2) { exit(3); /* just like running (from main()) "return 3;" */ } return 2; /* just like calling exit(2); */ } ``` For historical reasons, an exit status of `0` has meant success, while nonzero means failure. Other programs can check your program's exit status and react accordingly. Ok that's the return status. What about those arguments? Well, that whole definition of `argv` looks too intimidating to start with. What about this `argc` instead? It's just an `int`, and an easy one at that. It contains the total count of arguments on the command line, _including the name of the program itself_. For example: ```shell $ makemoney fast alot # <-- argc == 3 $ makemoney # <-- argc == 1 $ makemoney 1 2 3 4 5 # <-- argc == 6 ``` (The dollar sign, above, is a common Unix command shell prompt. And that hash mark (`#`) is the command shell comment character in Unix. I'm a Unix-dork, so you'll have to deal. If you have a problem, talk to those friendly Stormtroopers over there.) Good, good. Not much to that `argc business`, either. Now the biggie: `argv`. As you might have guessed, this is where the arguments themselves are stored. But what about that `char**` type? What do you do with that? Fortunately, you can often use array notation in the place of a dereference, since you'll recall arrays and pointers are related beasties. In this case, you can think of `argv` as an array of pointers to strings, where each string pointed to is one of the command line arguments: ```shell $ makemoney somewhere somehow $ # argv[0] argv[1] argv[2] (and argc is 3) ``` Each of these array elements, `argv[0]`, `argv[1]`, and so on, is a string. (Remember a string is just a pointer to a `char` or an array of `char`s, the name of which is a pointer to the first element of the array.) I haven't told you much of what you can do with strings yet, but check out the reference section for more information. What you do know is how to `printf()` a string using the "`%s`" format specifier, and you do know how to do a loop. So let's write a program that simply prints out its command line arguments, and then sets an exit status value of 4: ``` {.c} /* showargs.c */ #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; printf("There are %d things on the command line\n", argc); printf("The program name is \"%s\"\n", argv[0]; printf("The arguments are:\n"); for(i = 1; i < argc; i++) { printf(" %s\n", argv[i]); } return 4; /* exit status of 4 */ } ``` Note that we started printing arguments at index 1, since we already printed `argv[0]` before that. So sample runs and output (assuming we compiled this into a program called `showargs`): ```shell $ showargs alpha bravo There are 3 things on the command line The program name is "showargs" The arguments are: alpha bravo $ showargs There are 1 things on the command line The program name is "showargs" The arguments are: $ showargs 12 There are 2 things on the command line The program name is "showargs" The arguments are: 12 ``` (The actual thing in `argv[0]` might differ from system to system. Sometimes it'll contain some path information or other stuff.) So that's the secret for getting stuff into your program from the command line! ## Multidimensional Arrays {#multiarray} Welcome to...the _Nth Dimension!_ Bet you never thought you'd see that. Well, here we are. Yup. The Nth Dimension. Ok, then. Well, you've seen how you can arrange sequences of data in memory using an array. It looks something like this: !!!TODO image of 1d array Now, imagine, if you will, a _grid_ of elements instead of just a single row of them: This is an example of a _two-dimensional_ array, and can be indexed by giving a row number and a column number as the index, like this: `a[2][10]`. You can have as many dimensions in an array that you want, but I'm not going to draw them because 2D is already past the limit of my artistic skills. So check this code out---it makes up a two-dimensional array, initializes it in the definition (see how we nest the squirrelly braces there during the init), and then uses a _nested loop_ (that is, a loop inside another loop) to go through all the elements and pretty-print them to the screen. ``` {.c} #include int main(void) { int a[2][5] = { { 10, 20, 30, 40, 55 }, /* [2][5] == [rows][cols] */ { 10, 18, 21, 30, 44 } }; int i, j; for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) { /* for all the rows... */ for(j = 0; j < 5; j++) { /* print all the columns! */ printf("%d ", a[i][j]); } /* at the end of the row, print a newline for the next row */ printf("\n"); } } ``` As you might well imagine, since there really is no surprise ending for a program so simple as this one, the output will look something like this: ```shell 10 20 30 40 55 10 18 21 30 44 ``` Hold on for a second, now, since we're going to take this concept for a spin and learn a little bit more about how arrays are stored in memory, and some of tricks you can use to access them. First of all, you need to know that in the previous example, even though the array has two rows and is multidimensional, the data is stored sequentially in memory in this order: 10, 20, 30, 40, 55, 10, 18, 21, 30, 44. See how that works? The compiler just puts one row after the next and so on. But hey! Isn't that just like a one-dimensional array, then? Yes, for the most part, it technically is! A lot of programmers don't even bother with multidimensional arrays at all, and just use single dimensional, doing the math by hand to find a particular row and column. You can't technically just switch dimensions whenever you feel like it, Buccaroo Bonzai, because the types are different. And it'd be bad form, besides. For instance...nevermind the "for instance". Let's do the same example again using a single dimensional array: ``` {.c} #include int main(void) { int a[10] = { 10, 20, 30, 40, 55, /* 10 elements (2x5) */ 10, 18, 21, 30, 44 }; int i, j; for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) { /* for all the rows... */ for(j = 0; j < 5; j++) { /* print all the columns! */ int index = i*5 + j; /* calc the index */ printf("%d ", a[index]); } /* at the end of the row, print a newline for the next row */ printf("\n"); } } ``` So in the middle of the loop we've declared a local variable `index` (yes, you can do that---remember local variables are local to their block (that is, local to their surrounding squirrley braces)) and we calculate it using `i` and `j`. Look at that calculation for a bit to make sure it's correct. This is technically what the compiler does behind your back when you accessed the array using multidimensional notation. ## Casting and promotion {#cast} Sometimes you have a type and you want it to be a different type. Here's a great example: ``` {.c} int main(void) { int a = 5; int b = 10; float f; f = a / b; /* calculate 5 divided by 10 */ printf("%.2f\n", f); } ``` And this prints: ``` {.c} 0 ``` ...What? Five divided by 10 is zero? Since when? I'll tell you: since we entered the world of integer-only division. When you divide one `int` by another `int`, the result is an `int`, and any fractional part is thrown away. What do we do if we want the result to become a `float` somewhere along the way so that the result is correct? Turns out, either integer (or both) in the divide can be made into a `float`, and then the result of the divide will be also be a `float`. So just change one and everything should work out. "Get on with it! How do you cast?" Oh yeah---I guess I should actually do it. You might recall the cast from other parts of this guide, but just in case, we'll show it again: ``` {.c} f = (float)a / b; /* calculate 5 divided by 10 */ ``` Bam! There is is! Putting the new type in parens in front of the expression to be converted, and it magically becomes that type! You can cast almost anything to almost anything else, and if you mess it up somehow, it's entirely your fault since the compiler will blindly do whatever you ask. `:-)` ## Incomplete types {#incomplete} This topic is a little bit more advanced, but bear with it for a bit. An incomplete type is simply the declaration of the name of a particular `struct`, put there so that you can use pointers to the `struct` without actually knowing the fields stored therein. It most often comes up when people don't want to `#include` another header file, which can happen for a variety of different reasons. For example, here we use a pointer to a type without actually having it defined anywhere in `main()`. (It is defined elsewhere, though.) ``` {.c} struct foo; /* incomplete type! Notice it's, well, incomplete. */ int main(void) { struct foo *w; w = get_next_wombat(); /* grab a wombat */ process_wombat(w); /* use it somewhere */ } ``` I'm telling you this in case you find yourself trying to include a header that includes another header that includes the same header, or if your builds are taking forever because you're including too many headers, or...more likely you'll see an error along the lines of "cannot reference incomplete type". This error means you've tried to do too much with the incomplete type (like you tried to dereference it or use a field in it), and you need to `#include` the right header file with the full complete declaration of the `struct`. ## `void` pointers {#voidp} Welcome to _THE VOID_! As Neo Anderson would say, "...Whoa." What is this `void` thing? Stop! Before you get confused, a `void` pointer isn't the same thing as a `void` return value from a function or a `void` argument list. I know that can be confusing, but there it is. Just wait until we talk about all the ways you can use the `static` keyword. A `void` pointer is a _pointer to any type_. It is automatically cast to whatever type you assign into it, or copy from it. Why would you want to ever use such a thing? I mean, if you're going to dereference a pointer so that you can get to the original value, doesn't the compiler need to know what type the pointer is so that it can use it properly? Yes. Yes, it does. Because of that, you cannot dereference a `void` pointer. It's against the law, and the C Police will be at your door faster than you can say Jack Robinson. Before you can use it, you have to cast it to another pointer type. How on Valhalla is this going to be of any use then? Why would you even want a pointer you didn't know the type of? > **The Specification:** Write a function that can append pointers _of any type_ to an array. Also write a function that can return a particular pointer for a certain index. So in this case, we're going to write a couple useful little functions for storing off pointers, and returning them later. The function has be to _type-agnostic_, that is, it must be able to store pointers of any type. This is something of a fairly common feature to libraries of code that manipulate data---lots of them take `void` pointers so they can be used with any type of pointer the programmer might fancy. Normally, we'd write a linked list or something to hold these, but that's outside the scope of this book. So we'll just use an array, instead, in this superficial example. Hmmm. Maybe I should write a beginning data structures book... Anyway, the specification calls for two functions, so let's pound those puppies out right here: ``` {.c} #include void *pointer_array[10]; /* we can hold up to 10 void-pointers */ int index=0; void append_pointer(void *p) { pointer_array[index++] = p; } void *get_pointer(int i) { return pointer_array[i]; } ``` Since we need to store those pointers somewhere, I went ahead and made a global array of them that can be accessed from within both functions. Also, I made a global index variable to remember where to store the next appended pointer in the array. So check the code out for `append_pointer()` there. How is all that crammed together into one line? Well, we need to do two things when we append: store the data at the current index, and move the index to the next available spot. We copy the data using the assignment operator, and then notice that we use the _post-increment_ operator (`++`) to increment the index. Remember what _post_-increment means? It means the increment is done _after_ the rest of the expression is evaluated, including that assignment. The other function, `get_pointer`, simply returns the `void*` at the specified index, `i`. What you want to watch for here is the subtle difference between the return types of the two functions. One of them is declared `void`, which means it doesn't return anything, and the other one is declared with a return type of `void*`, which means it returns a `void` pointer. I know, I know, the duplicate usage is a little troublesome, but you get used to it in a big hurry. Or else! Finally, we have that code all written---now how can we actually use it? Let's write a `main()` function that will use these functions: ``` {.c} int main(void) { char *s = "some data!"; /* s points to a constant string (char*) */ int a = 10; int *b; char *s2; /* when we call get_pointer(), we'll store them back here */ int *b2; b = &a; /* b is a pointer to a */ /* now let's store them both, even though they're different types */ append_pointer(s); append_pointer(b); /* they're stored! let's get them back! */ s2 = get_pointer(0); /* this was at index 0 */ b2 = get_pointer(1); /* this was at index 1 */ } ``` See how the pointer types are interchangable through the `void*`? C will let you convert the `void*` into any other pointer with impunity, and it really is up to you to make sure you're getting them back to the type they were originally. Yes, you can make mistakes here that crash the program, you'd better believe it. Like they say, "C gives you enough rope to hang yourself." ## `NULL` pointers {#nullp} I think I have just enough time before the plane lands to talk about `NULL` when it comes to pointers. `NULL` simply means a pointer to nothing. Sometimes it's useful to know if the pointer is valid, or if it needs to be initialized, or whatever. `NULL` can be used as a sentinel value for a variety of different things. Remember: it means "this pointer points to nothing"! Example: ``` {.c} int main(void) { int *p = NULL; if (p == NULL) { printf("p is uninitialized!\n"); } else { printf("p points to %d\n", *p); } } ``` Note that pointers aren't preinitialized to `NULL` when you declare them---you have to explicitly do it. (No non-static local variables are preinitialized, pointers included.) ## More Static {#static2} Modern technology has landed me safely here at LAX, and I'm free to continue writing while I wait for my plane to Ireland. Tell me you're not jealous at least on some level, and I won't believe you. But enough about me; let's talk about programming. (How's that for a geek pick-up line? If you use it, do me a favor and don't credit me.) You've already seen how you can use the `static` keyword to make a local variable persist between calls to its function. But there are other exciting completely unrelated uses for `static` that probably deserve to have their own keyword, but don't get one. You just have to get used to the fact that `static` (and a number of other things in C) have different meanings depending on context. So what about if you declare something as `static` in the global scope, instead of local to a function? After all, global variables already persist for the life of the program, so `static` can't mean the same thing here. Instead, at the global scope, `static` means that the variable or function declared `static` _is only visible in this particular source file_, and cannot be referenced from other source files. Again, this definition of `static` only pertains to the global scope. `static` still means the same old thing in the local scope of the function. You'll find that your bigger projects little bite-sized pieces themselves fit into larger bite-sized pieces (just like that picture of the little fish getting eaten by the larger fish being eaten by the fish that's larger, still.) When you have enough related smaller bite-sized pieces, it often makes sense to put them in their own source file. I'm going to rip the example from the section on [`void` pointers](#voidp) wherein we have a couple functions that can be used to store any types of pointers. One of the many issues with that example program (there are all kinds of shortcomings and bugs in it) is that we've declared a global variable called `index`. Now, "index" is a pretty common word, and it's entirely likely that somewhere else in the project, someone will make up their own variable and name it the same thing as yours. This could cause all kinds of problems, not the least of which is they can modify your value of `index`, something that is very important to you. One solution is to put all your stuff in one source file, and then declare `index` to be `static` global. That way, no one from outside your source file is allowed to use it. You are King! `static` is a way of keeping the implementation details of your portion of the code out of the hands of others. Believe me, if you let other people meddle in your code, they will do so with playful abandon! Big Hammer Smash! So here is a quick rewrite of the code to be stuck it its own file: ``` {.c} /** file parray.c **/ static void *pointer_array[10]; /* now no one can see it except this file! */ static int index=0; /* same for this one! */ /* but these functions are NOT static, */ /* so they can be used from other files: */ void append_pointer(void *p) { pointer_array[index++] = p; } void *get_pointer(int i) { return pointer_array[i]; } /** end of file parray.c **/ ``` What would be proper at this point would be to make a file called `parray.h` that has the function prototypes for the two functions in it. Then the file that has `main()` in it can `#include` `parray.h` and use the functions when it is all linked together. ## Typical Multifile Projects {#multifile} Like I'm so fond of saying, projects generally grow too big for a single file, very similarly to how The Blob grew to be enormous and had to be defeated by Steve McQueen. Unfortunately, McQueen has already made his great escape to Heaven, and isn't here to help you with your code. Sorry. So when you split projects up, you should try to do it in bite-sized modules that make sense to have in individual files. For instance, all the code responsible for calculating Fast Fourier Transforms (a mathematical construct, for those not in the know), would be a good candidate for its own source file. Or maybe all the code that controls a particular AI bot for a game could be in its own file. It's more of a guideline than a rule, but if something's not at least in some way related to what you have in a particular source file already, maybe it should go elsewhere. A perfect illustrative question for this scenario might be, "What is the 3D rendering code doing in the middle of the sound driver code?" When you do move code to its own source file, there is almost always a header file that you should write to go along with it. The code in the new source file (which will be a bunch of functions) will need to have prototypes and other things made visible to the other files so they can be used. The way the other source files use other files is to `#include` their header files. So for example, let's make a small set of functions and stick them in a file called `simplemath.c`: ``` {.c} /** file simplemath.c **/ int plusone(int a) { return a+1; } int minusone(int a) { return a-1; } /** end of file simplemath.c **/ ``` A couple simple functions, there. Nothing too complex, yes? But by themselves, they're not much use, and for other people to use them we need to distribute their prototypes in a header file. Get ready to absorb this...you should recognize the prototypes in there, but I've added some new stuff: ``` {.c} /** file simplemath.h **/ #ifndef _SIMPLEMATH_H_ #define _SIMPLEMATH_H_ /* here are the prototypes: */ int plusone(int a); int minusone(int a); #endif /** end of file simplemath.h **/ ``` Icky. What is all that `#ifndef` stuff? And the `#define` and the `#endif`? They are _boilerplate code_ (that is, code that is more often than not stuck in a file) that prevents the header file from being included multiple times. The short version of the logic is this: if the symbol `_SIMPLEMATH_H_` isn't defined then define it, and then do all the normal header stuff. Else if the symbol `_SIMPLEMATH_H_` _is_ already defined, do nothing. In this way, the bulk of the header file is included only once for the build, no matter how many other files try to include it. This is a good idea, since at best it's a redundant waste of time to re-include it, and at worst, it can cause compile-time errors. Well, we have the header and the source files, and now it's time to write a file with `main()` in it so that we can actually use these things: ``` {.c} /** file main.c **/ #include "simplemath.h" int main(void) { int a = 10, b; b = plusone(a); /* make that processor work! */ } /** end of file main.c **/ ``` Check it out! We used double-quotes in the `#include` instead of angle brackets! What this tells the preprocessor to do is, "include this file from the current directory instead of the standard system directory." I'm assuming that you're putting all these files in the same place for the purposes of this exercise. Recall that including a file is exactly like bringing it into your source at that point, so, as such, we bring the prototypes into the source right there, and then the functions are free to be used in `main()`. Huzzah! One last question! How do we actually build this whole thing? From the command line: ```shell $ cc -o main main.c simplemath.c ``` You can lump all the sources on the command line, and it'll build them together, nice and easy. ## The Almighty C Preprocessor {#cpp} Remember back about a million years ago when you first started reading this guide and I mentioned something about spinach? That's right---you remember how spinach relates to the whole computing process? Of course you don't remember. I just made it up just now; I've never mentioned spinach in this guide. I mean, c'mon. What does spinach have to do with anything? Sheesh! Let me steer you to a less leafy topic: the C preprocessor. As the name suggests, this little program will process source code before the C compiler sees it. This gives you a little bit more control over what gets compiled and how it gets compiled. You've already seen one of the most common preprocessor directives: `#include`. Other sections of the guide have touched upon various other ones, but we'll lay them all out here for fun. ### `#include` {#cppinclude} The well-known `#include` directive pulls in source from another file. This other file should be a header file in virtually every single case. On each system, there are a number of standard include files that you can use for various tasks. Most popularly, you've seen `stdio.h` used. How did the system know where to find it? Well, each compiler has a set of directories it looks in for header files when you specify the file name in angle brackets. (On Unix systems, it commonly searches the `/usr/include` directory.) If you want to include a file from the same directory as the source, use double quotes around the name of the file. Some examples: ``` {.c} /* include from the system include directory: */ #include #include /* include from the local directory: */ #include "mutants.h" #include "fishies/halibut.h" ``` As you can see from the example, you can also specify a _relative path_ into subdirectories out of the main directory. (Under Unix, again, there is a file called `types.h` in the directory `/usr/include/sys`.) ### `#define` {#cppdefine} The `#define` is one of the more powerful C preprocessor directives. With it you can declare constants to be substituted into the source code before the compiler even sees them. Let's say you have a lot of constants scattered all over your program and each number is _hard-coded_ (that is, the number is written explicitly in the code, like "2"). Now, you thought it was a constant when you wrote it because the people you got the specification swore to you up and down on pain of torture that the number would be "2", and it would never change in 100 million years so strike them blind right now. Hey---sounds good. You even have someone to blame if it did change, and it probably won't anyway since they seem so sure. _Don't be a fool._ The spec will change, and it will do so right after you have put the number "2" in approximately three hundred thousand places throughout your source, they're going to say, "You know what? Two just isn't going to cut it---we need three. Is that a hard change to make?" Blame or not, you're going to be the one that has to change it. A good programmer will realize that hard-coding numbers like this isn't a good idea, and one way to get around it is to use a `#define` directive. Check out this example: ``` {.c} #define PI 3.14159265358979 /* more pi than you can handle */ int main(void) { float r =10.0; printf("pi: %f\n", PI); printf("pi/2: %f\n", PI/2); printf("area: %f\n", PI*r*r); printf("circumference: %f\n", 2*PI*r); } ``` (Typically `#define`s are all capitals, by convention.) So, hey, we just printed that thing out as if it was a float. Well, it _is_ a float. Remember---the C preprocessor substitutes the value of `PI` _before the compiler even sees it_. It is just as if you had typed it there yourself. Now let's say you've used `PI` all over the place and now you're just about ready to ship, and the designers come to you and say, "So, this whole pi thing, um, we're thinking it needs to be four instead of three-point-one-whatever. Is that a hard change?" No problem in this case, no matter how deranged the change request. All you have to do is change the one `#define` at the top, and it's therefore automatically changed all over the code when the C preprocessor runs through it: ``` {.c} #define PI 4.0 /* whatever you say, boss */ ``` Pretty cool, huh. Well, it's perhaps not as good as to be "cool", but you have not yet witnessed the destructive power of this fully operational preprocessor directive! You can actually use `#define` to write little _macros_ that are like miniature functions that the preprocessor evaluates, again, before the C compiler sees the code. To make a macro like this, you give an argument list (without types, because the preprocessor knows nothing about types, and then you list how that is to be used. For instance, if we want a macro that evaluates to a number you pass it times 3490, we could do the following: ``` {.c} #define TIMES3490(x) ((x)*3490) /* no semicolon, notice! */ void evaluate_fruit(void) { printf("40 * 3490 = %d\n", TIMES3490(40)); } ``` In that example, the preprocessor will take the macro and _expand_ it so that it looks like this to the compiler: ``` {.c} void evaluate_fruit(void) { printf("40 * 3490 = %d\n", ((40)*3490)); } ``` (Actually the preprocessor can do basic math, so it'll probably reduce it directly to "139600". But this is my example and I'll do as I please!) Now here's a question for you: are you taking it on blind faith that you need all those parenthesis in the macro, like you're some kind of LISP superhero, or are you wondering, "Why am I wasting precious moments of my life to enter all these parens?" Well, you _should_ be wondering! It turns out there are cases where you can really generate some _evil_ code with a macro without realizing it. Take a look at this example which builds without a problem: ``` {.c} #define TIMES3490(x) x*3490 void walrus_discovery_unit(void) { int tuskcount = 7; printf("(tuskcount+2) * 3490 = %d\n", TIMES3490(tuskcount + 2)); } ``` What's wrong here? We're calculating `tuskcount+2`, and then passing that through the `TIMES3490()` macro. But look at what it expands to: ``` {.c} printf("(tuskcount+2) * 3490 = %d\n", tuskcount+2*3490); ``` Instead of calculating `(tuskcount+2)*3490`, we're calculating `tuskcount+(2*3490)`, because multiplication comes before addition in the order of operations! See, adding all those extra parens to the macro prevents this sort of thing from happening. So programmers with good practices will automatically put a set of parens around each usage of the parameter variable in the macro, as well as a set of parens around the outside of the macro itself. ### `#if` and {#macif} `#ifdef` There are some _conditionals_ that the C preprocessor can use to discard blocks of code so that the compiler never sees them. The `#if` directive operates like the C `if`, and you can pass it an expression to be evaluated. It is most common used to block off huge chunks of code like a comment, when you don't want it to get built: ``` {.c} void set_hamster_speed(int warpfactor) { #if 0 uh this code isn't written yet. someone should really write it. #endif } ``` You can't nest comments in C, but you can nest `#if` directives all you want, so it can be very helpful for that. The other if-statement, `#ifdef` is true if the subsequent macro is already defined. There's a negative version of this directive called `#ifndef` ("if not defined"). `#ifndef` is very commonly used with header files to keep them from being included multiple times: ``` {.c} /** file aardvark.h **/ #ifndef _AARDVARK_H_ #define _AARDVARK_H_ int get_nose_length(void); void set_nose_length(int len); #endif /** end of file aardvark.h **/ ``` The first time this file is included, `_AARDVARK_H_` is not yet defined, so it goes to the next line, and defines it, and then does some function prototypes, and you'll see there at the end, the whole `#if`-type directive is culminated with an `#endif` statement. Now if the file is included again (which can happen when you have a lot of header files are including other header files _ad infininininini---_cough!), the macro `_AARDVARK_H_` will already be defined, and so the `#ifndef` will fail, and the file up to the `#endif` will be discarded by the preprocessor. Another extremely useful thing to do here is to have certain code compile for a certain platform, and have other code compile for a different platform. Lots of people like to build software with a macro defined for the type of platform they're on, such as `LINUX` or `WIN32`. And you can use this to great effect so that your code will compile and work on different types of systems: ``` {.c} void run_command_shell(void) { #ifdef WIN32 system("COMMAND.EXE"); #elifdef LINUX system("/bin/bash"); #else #error We don't have no steenkin shells! #endif } ``` A couple new things there, most notable `#elifdef`. This is the contraction of "else ifdef", which must be used in that case. If you're using `#if`, then you'd use the corresponding `#elif`. Also I threw in an `#error` directive, there. This will cause the preprocessor to bomb out right at that point with the given message. ## Pointers to pointers {#pt2pt} You've already seen how you can have a pointer to a variable...and you've already seen how a pointer _is_ a variable, so is it possible to have a _pointer to a pointer_? No, it's not. I'm kidding---of course it's possible. Would I have this section of the guide if it wasn't? There are a few good reasons why we'd want to have a pointer to a pointer, and we'll give you the simple one first: you want to pass a pointer as a parameter to a function, have the function modify it, and have the results reflected back to the caller. Note that this is exactly the reason why we use pointers in function calls in the first place: we want the function to be able to modify the thing the pointer points to. In this case, though, the thing we want it to modify is another pointer. For example: ``` {.c} void get_string(int a, char **s) { switch(a) { case 0: *s = "everybody"; break; case 1: *s = "was"; break; case 2: *s = "kung-foo fighting"; break; default: *s = "errrrrrnt!"; } } int main(void) { char *s; get_string(2, &s); printf("s is \"%s\"\n", s); /* 's is "kung-foo fighting"' */ } ``` What we have, above, is some code that will deliver a string (pointer to a `char`) back to the caller via pointer to a pointer. Notice that we pass the _address of_ the pointer `s` in `main()`. This gives the function `get_string()` a pointer to `s`, and so it can dereference that pointer to change what it is pointing at, namely `s` itself. There's really nothing mysterious here. You have a pointer to a thing, so you can dereference the pointer to change the thing. It's just like before, except for that fact that we're operating on a pointer now instead of just a plain base type. What else can we do with pointers to pointers? You can dynamically make a construction similar to a two-dimensional array with them. The following example relies on your knowledge that the function call `malloc()` returns a chunk of sequential bytes of memory that you can use as you will. In this case, we'll use them to create a number of `char*`s. And we'll have a pointer to that, as well, which is therefore of type `char**`. ``` {.c} int main(void) { char **p; p = malloc(sizeof(char*) * 10); // allocate 10 char*s } ``` Swell. Now what can we do with those? Well, they don't point to anything yet, but we can call `malloc()` for each of them in turn and then we'll have a big block of memory we can store strings in. ``` {.c} int main(void) { char **p; int i; p = malloc(sizeof(char*) * 10); // allocate 10 char*s-worth of bytes for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) { *(p+i) = malloc(30); // 30 bytes for each pointer // alternatively we could have written, above: // p[i] = malloc(30); // but we didn't. sprintf(*(p+i), "this is string #%d", i); } for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) { printf("%d: %s\n", i, p[i]); // p[i] same as *(p+i) } } ``` Ok, as you're probably thinking, this is where things get completely wacko-jacko. Let's look at that second `malloc()` line and dissect it one piece at a time. You know that `p` is a pointer to a pointer to a `char`, or, put another way, it's a pointer to a `char*`. Keep that in mind. And we know this `char*` is the first of a solid block of 10, because we just `malloc()`'d that many before the for loop. With that knowledge, we know that we can use some pointer arithmetic to hop from one to the next. We do this by adding the value of `i` onto the `char**` so that when we dereference it, we are pointing at the next `char*` in the block. In the first iteration of the loop `i` is zero, so we're just referring to the first `char*`. And what do we do with that `char*` once we have it? We point it at the return value of `malloc()` which will point it at a fresh ready-to-use 30 bytes of memory. And what do we use that memory for (sheesh, this could go on forever!)--well, we use a variant of `printf()` called `sprintf()` that writes the result into a string instead of to the console. And there you have it. Finally, for fun, we print out the results using array notation to access the strings instead of pointer arithmetic. ## Pointers to Functions {#ptfunc} You've completely mastered all that pointer stuff, right? I mean, you are the _Pointer Master_! No, really, I insist! So, with that in mind, we're going to take the whole pointer and address idea to the next phase and learn a little bit about the machine code that the compiler produces. I know this seems like it has nothing to do with this section, Pointers to Functions, but it's background that will only make you stronger. (Provided, that is, it doesn't kill you first. Admittedly, the chances of death from trying to understand this section are slim, but you might want to read it in a padded room just as a precautionary measure.) Long ago I mentioned that the compiler takes your C source code and produces _machine code_ that the processor can execute. These machine code instructions are small (taking between one and four bytes or memory, typically, with optionally up to, say, 32 bytes of arguments per instruction---these numbers vary depending on the processor in question). This isn't so important as the fact that these instructions have to be stored somewhere. Guess where. You thought that was a rhetorical command, but no, I really do want you to guess where, generally, the instructions are stored. You have your guess? Good. Is it animal, vegetable, or mineral? Can you fly in it? Is it a rocketship? Yay! But, cerebral digression aside, yes, you are correct, the instructions are stored in memory, just like variables are stored in memory. Instructions themselves have addresses, and a special variable in the CPU (generally known as a "register" in CPU-lingo) points to the address of the currently executing instruction. Whatwhat? I said "points to" and "address-of"! Suddenly we have a connection back to pointers and all that...familiar ground again. But what did I just say? I said: instructions are held in addresses, and, therefore, you have have a pointer to a block of instructions. A block of instructions in C is held in a function, and, therefore, you can have a pointer to a function. _Voila_! Ok, so if you have a function, how do you get the address of the function? Yes, you can use the `&`, but most people don't. It's similar to the situation with arrays, where the name of the array without square brackets is a pointer to the first element in the array; the name of the function without parens is a pointer to the first instruction in the function. That's the easy part. The hard part is declaring a variable to be of type "pointer to function". It's hard because the syntax is funky: ``` {.c} // declare p as a pointer to a function that takes two int // parameters, and returns a float: float (*p)(int, int); ``` Again, note that this is a _declaration of a pointer_ to a function. It doesn't yet point to anything in particular. Also notice that you don't have to put dummy parameter names in the declaration of the pointer variable. All right, let's make a function, point to it, and call it: ``` {.c} int deliver_fruit(char *address, float speed) { printf("Delivering fruit to %s at speed %.2f\n", address, speed); return 3490; } int main(void) { int (*p)(char*,float); // declare a function pointer variable p = deliver_fruit; // p now points to the deliver_fruit() function deliver_fruit("My house", 5280.0); // a normal call p("My house", 5280.0); // the same call, but using the pointer } ``` What the heck good is this? The usual reasons are these: * You want to change what function is called at runtime. * You have a big array of data including pointers to functions. * You don't know the function at compile-time; maybe it's in a shared library that you load a runtime and query to find a function, and that query returns a pointer to the function. I know this is a bit beyond the scope of the section, but bear with me. For example, long ago a friend of mine and I wrote a program that would simulate a bunch of creatures running around a grid. The creatures each had a `struct` associated with them that held their position, health, and other information. The `struct` also held a pointer to a function that was their behavior, like this: ``` {.c} struct creature { int xpos; int ypos; float health; int (*behavior)(struct useful_data*); }; ``` So for each round of the simulation, we'd walk through the list of creatures and call their behavior function (passing a pointer to a bunch of useful data so the function could see other creatures, know about itself, etc.) In this way, it was easy to code bugs up as having different behaviors. Indeed, I wrote a creature called a "brainwasher" that would, when it got close to another creature, change that creature's behavior pointer to point to the brainwasher's behavior code! Of course, it didn't take long before they were all brainwashers, and then starved and cannibalized themselves to death. Let that be a lesson to you. ## Variable Argument Lists {#varargs} Ever wonder, in your spare time, while you lay awake at night thinking about the C Programming Language, how functions like `printf()` and `scanf()` seem to take an arbitrary number of arguments and other functions take a specific number? How do you even write a function prototype for a function that takes a variable number of arguments? (Don't get confused over terminology here---we're not talking about variables. In this case, "variable" retains its usual boring old meaning of "an arbitrary number of".) Well, there are some little tricks that have been set up for you in this case. Remember how all the arguments are pushed onto the stack when passed to a function? Well, some macros have been set up to help you walk along the stack and pull arguments off one at a time. In this way, you don't need to know at compile-time what the argument list will look like---you just need to know how to parse it. For instance, let's write a function that averages an arbitrary number of positive numbers. We can pull numbers off the stack one at a time and average them all, but we need to know when to stop pulling stuff off the stack. One way to do this is to have a sentinel value that you watch for---when you hit it, you stop. Another way is to put some kind of information in the mandatory first argument. Let's do option B and put the count of the number of arguments to be averaged in as the first argument to the function. Here's the prototype for the function---this is how we declare a variable argument list. The first argument (at least) must be specified, but that's all: ``` {.c} float average(int count, ...); ``` It's the magical "`...`" that does it, see? This lets the compiler know that there can be more arguments after the first one, but doesn'r require you to say what they are. So _this_ is how we are able to pass many or few (but at least one, the first argument) arguments to the function. But if we don't have names for the variables specified in the function header, how do we use them in the function? Well, aren't we the demanding ones, actually wanting to _use_ our function! Ok, I'll tell you! There is a special type declared in the header `stdarg.h` called `va_list`. It holds data about the stack and about what arguments have been parsed off so far. But first you have to tell it where the stack for this function starts, and fortunately we have a variable right there at the beginning of our `average()` function: `a`. We operate on our `va_list` using a number of preprocessor macros (which are like mini-functions if you haven't yet read the section on macros.) First of all, we use `va_start()` to tell our `va_list` where the stack starts. Then we use `va_arg()` repeatedly to pull arguments off the stack. And finally we use `va_end()` to tell our `va_list` that we're done with it. (The language specification says we _must_ call `va_end()`, and we must call it in the same function from which we called `va_start()`. This allows the compiler to do any cleanup that is necessary, and keeps the Vararg Police from knocking on your door. So an example! Let's write that `average()` function. Remember: `va_start()`, `va_arg()`, `va_arg()`, `va_arg()`, etc., and then `va_end()`! ``` {.c} float average(int count, ...) { float ave = 0; int i; va_list args; // here's our va_list! va_start(args, count); // tell it the stack starts with "count" // inside the for(), pull int args off the stack: for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { int val = va_arg(args, int); // get next int argument ave += (float)val; // cast the value to a float and add to total } va_end(args); // clean this up return ave / count; // calc and return the average } ``` So there you have it. As you see, the `va_arg()` macro pulls the next argument off the stack of the given type. So you have to know in advance what type the thing is. We know for our `average()` function, all the types are `int`s, so that's ok. But what if they're different types mixed all together? How do you tell what type is coming next? Well, if you'll notice, this is exactly what our old friend `printf()` does! It knows what type to call `va_arg()` with, since it says so right in the format string. ### `vprintf()` and its ilk {#varargsvp} There are a number of functions that helpfully accept a `va_list` as an argument that you can pass. This enables you to wrap these functions up easily in your own functions that take a variable number of arguments themselves. For instance: > **Assignment:** Implement a version of `printf()` called `timestamp_printf()` that works _exactly_ like `printf()` except it prints the time followed by a newline followed by the data output specified by the `printf()`-style format string. Holy cow! At first glance, it looks like you're going to have to implement a clone of `printf()` just to get a timestamp out in front of it! And `printf()` is, as we say in the industry, "nontrivial"! See you next year! Wait, though---wait, wait...there _must_ be a way to do it easily, or this author is complete insane to give you this assignment, and that couldn't be. Fruit! Where is my cheese!? Blalalauugh!! Ahem. I'm all right, really, Your Honor. I'm looking into my crystal ball and I'm seeing...a type `va_list` in your future. In fact, if we took our variable argument list, processed it with `va_start()` and got our `va_list` back, we could, if such a thing existed, just pass it to an already-written version of `printf()` that accepted just that thing. Welcome to the world of `vprintf()`! It does exactly that, by Jove! Here's a lovely prototype: ``` {.c} int vprintf(const char *format, va_list args); ``` All righty, so what building blocks do we need for this assignment? The spec says we need to do something just like `printf()`, so our function, like `printf()` is going to accept a format string first, followed by a variable number of arguments, something like this: ``` {.c} int timestamp_printf(char *format, ...); ``` But before it prints its stuff, it needs to output a timestamp followed by a newline. The exact format of the timestamp wasn't specified in the assignment, so I'm going to assume something in the form of "weekday month day hh:mm:ss year". By amazing coincidence, a function exists called `ctime()` that returns a string in exactly that format, given the current system time. So the plan is to print a timestamp, then take our variable argument list, run it through `va_start` to get a `va_list` out of it, and pass that `va_list` into `vprintf()` and let it work its already-written `printf()` magic. And...GO! ``` {.c} #include #include #include // for time() and ctime(); int timestamp_printf(char *format, ...) { va_list args; time_t system_time; char *timestr; int return_value; system_time = time(NULL); // system time in seconds since epoch timestr = ctime(&system_time); // ready-to-print timestamp // print the timestamp: printf("%s", timestr); // timestr has a newline on the end already // get our va_list: va_start(args, format); // call vprintf() with our arg list: return_value = vprintf(format, args); // done with list, so we have to call va_end(): va_end(args); // since we want to be *exactly* like printf(), we have saved its // return value, and we'll pass it on right here: return return_value; } int main(void) { // example call: timestamp_printf("Brought to you by the number %d\n", 3490); } ``` And there you have it! Your own little `printf()`-like functionality! Now, not every function has a "v" in front of the name for processing variable argument lists, but most notably all the variants of `printf()` and `scanf()` do, so feel free to use them as you see fit! # Wide Char Notes Source character set Basic character set | Extended character set Extended characters | Execution character set Basic character set | Extended character set Extended characters | character, char: fits in a byte multibyte character: sequence of one or more bytes representing a member of the extended character set (S or E) 'x' wide character, wchar_t: value can represent any character in locale. These are 32-bit that represent the code point for the character. L'x' wchar_t u'x' char16_t U'x' char32_t char16_t char32_t locale \unnnn \Unnnnnnnn String encoding prefixes: UTF-8 string literal u8"foo" char Wide string literals L"foo" wchar_t u"foo" char16_t U"foo" char32_t mblen mbtowc mbstowcs wctomb wcctombs The wide output only works if the stream is wide-oriented fwide() Orientation gets set on first write Other orientations won't work ## Types wchar_t mbstate_t * Used for mb<->wide conversion * Shift state wint_t * which is an integer type unchanged by default argument promotions that can hold any value corresponding to members of the extended character set, as well as at least one value that does not correspond to any member of the extended character set WEOF wide EOF ## Function groups: * Functions that perform input and output of wide characters, or multibyte characters, or both; * Functions that provide wide string numeric conversion; * Functions that perform general wide string manipulation; * Functions for wide string date and time conversion; and * Functions that provide extended capabilities for conversion between multibyte and wide character sequences. ## I/O: * int fwprintf(FILE * restrict stream, const wchar_t * restrict format, ...); * Characters from the array are converted as if by repeated calls to the mbrtowc function, with the conversion state described by an mbstate_t object initialized to zero before the first multibyte character is converted * int fwscanf(FILE * restrict stream, const wchar_t * restrict format, ...); * int swprintf(wchar_t * restrict s, size_t n, const wchar_t * restrict format, ...); * int swscanf(const wchar_t * restrict s, const wchar_t * restrict format, ...); * int vfwprintf(FILE * restrict stream, const wchar_t * restrict format, va_list arg); * int vfwscanf(FILE * restrict stream, const wchar_t * restrict format, va_list arg); * int vswprintf(wchar_t * restrict s, size_t n, const wchar_t * restrict format, va_list arg); * int vswscanf(const wchar_t * restrict s, const wchar_t * restrict format, va_list arg); * int vwprintf(const wchar_t * restrict format, va_list arg); * int vwscanf(const wchar_t * restrict format, va_list arg); * int wprintf(const wchar_t * restrict format, ...); * int wscanf(const wchar_t * restrict format, ...); * wint_t fgetwc(FILE *stream); * wchar_t *fgetws(wchar_t * restrict s, int n, FILE * restrict stream); * wint_t fputwc(wchar_t c, FILE *stream); * int fputws(const wchar_t * restrict s, FILE * restrict stream); * int fwide(FILE *stream, int mode); * wint_t getwc(FILE *stream); * wint_t getwchar(void); * wint_t putwc(wchar_t c, FILE *stream); * wint_t putwchar(wchar_t c); * wint_t ungetwc(wint_t c, FILE *stream); ## Conversion Functions * double wcstod(const wchar_t * restrict nptr, wchar_t ** restrict endptr); * float wcstof(const wchar_t * restrict nptr, wchar_t ** restrict endptr); * long double wcstold(const wchar_t * restrict nptr, wchar_t ** restrict endptr); * long int wcstol(const wchar_t * restrict nptr, wchar_t ** restrict endptr, int base); * long long int wcstoll(const wchar_t * restrict nptr, wchar_t ** restrict endptr, int base); * unsigned long int wcstoul(const wchar_t * restrict nptr, wchar_t ** restrict endptr, int base); * unsigned long long int wcstoull(const wchar_t * restrict nptr, wchar_t ** restrict endptr, int base); ## Copying * wchar_t *wcscpy(wchar_t * restrict s1, const wchar_t * restrict s2); * wchar_t *wcsncpy(wchar_t * restrict s1, const wchar_t * restrict s2, size_t n); * wchar_t *wmemcpy(wchar_t * restrict s1, const wchar_t * restrict s2, size_t n); * wchar_t *wmemmove(wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2, size_t n); * wchar_t *wcscat(wchar_t * restrict s1, const wchar_t * restrict s2); * wchar_t *wcsncat(wchar_t * restrict s1, const wchar_t * restrict s2, size_t n); ## Comparing * int wcscmp(const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2); * int wcscoll(const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2); * int wcsncmp(const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2, size_t n); * size_t wcsxfrm(wchar_t * restrict s1, const wchar_t * restrict s2, size_t n); * int wmemcmp(const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2, size_t n); ## Searching * wchar_t *wcschr(const wchar_t *s, wchar_t c); * size_t wcscspn(const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2); * wchar_t *wcspbrk(const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2); * wchar_t *wcsrchr(const wchar_t *s, wchar_t c); * size_t wcsspn(const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2); * wchar_t *wcsstr(const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2); * wchar_t *wcstok(wchar_t * restrict s1, const wchar_t * restrict s2, wchar_t ** restrict ptr); * wchar_t *wmemchr(const wchar_t *s, wchar_t c, size_t n); ## Length and Misc * size_t wcslen(const wchar_t *s); * wchar_t *wmemset(wchar_t *s, wchar_t c, size_t n); * size_t wcsftime(wchar_t * restrict s, size_t maxsize, const wchar_t * restrict format, const struct tm * restrict timeptr); ## String Conversions * wint_t btowc(int c); * int wctob(wint_t c); * int mbsinit(const mbstate_t *ps); * size_t mbrlen(const char * restrict s, size_t n, mbstate_t * restrict ps); * size_t mbrtowc(wchar_t * restrict pwc, const char * restrict s, size_t n, mbstate_t * restrict ps); * size_t wcrtomb(char * restrict s, wchar_t wc, mbstate_t * restrict ps); * size_t mbsrtowcs(wchar_t * restrict dst, const char ** restrict src, size_t len, mbstate_t * restrict ps); * size_t wcsrtombs(char * restrict dst, const wchar_t ** restrict src, size_t len, mbstate_t * restrict ps); ## Character Classification `` * int iswalnum(wint_t wc); * int iswalpha(wint_t wc); * int iswblank(wint_t wc); * int iswcntrl(wint_t wc); * int iswdigit(wint_t wc); * int iswgraph(wint_t wc); * int iswlower(wint_t wc); * int iswprint(wint_t wc); * int iswpunct(wint_t wc); * int iswspace(wint_t wc); * int iswupper(wint_t wc); * int iswxdigit(wint_t wc); * int iswctype(wint_t wc, wctype_t desc); * iswctype(wc, wctype("alnum")) // iswalnum(wc) * iswctype(wc, wctype("alpha")) // iswalpha(wc) * iswctype(wc, wctype("blank")) // iswblank(wc) * iswctype(wc, wctype("cntrl")) // iswcntrl(wc) * iswctype(wc, wctype("digit")) // iswdigit(wc) * iswctype(wc, wctype("graph")) // iswgraph(wc) * iswctype(wc, wctype("lower")) // iswlower(wc) * iswctype(wc, wctype("print")) // iswprint(wc) * iswctype(wc, wctype("punct")) // iswpunct(wc) * iswctype(wc, wctype("space")) // iswspace(wc) * iswctype(wc, wctype("upper")) // iswupper(wc) * iswctype(wc, wctype("xdigit")) // iswxdigit(wc) * wctype_t wctype(const char *property); * wint_t towlower(wint_t wc); * wint_t towupper(wint_t wc); * wint_t towctrans(wint_t wc, wctrans_t desc); * towctrans(wc, wctrans("tolower")) // towlower(wc) * towctrans(wc, wctrans("toupper")) // towupper(wc) * wctrans_t wctrans(const char *property); ## Unicode Utils `` * size_t mbrtoc16(char16_t * restrict pc16, const char * restrict s, size_t n, mbstate_t * restrict ps); * size_t c16rtomb(char * restrict s, char16_t c16, mbstate_t * restrict ps); * size_t mbrtoc32(char32_t * restrict pc32, const char * restrict s, size_t n, mbstate_t * restrict ps); * size_t c32rtomb(char * restrict s, char32_t c32, mbstate_t * restrict ps); ## Unnamed Objects, Compound Literals This is an interesting feature of C11 that allows you to make an object without a name. A couple places this might be useful is if you need to pass a one-off `struct` to a function, but want it to just _exist_ as an argument, but not as a regular variable elsewhere. First, let's look at some contrived and useless syntax. ``` {.c} int a = (int){2}; ``` Right of the assignment, we have an unnamed `int` that's initializd to `2`. The we immediately assign it into a variable `a`. ``` {.c} int a = (int){2}; int a = 2; // Same thing ``` If those are the same, why even bother this this syntax? It's harder to read and more verbose. Well, let's try it with a `struct` and see what happens. Incomplete types 6.2.5p22 An array type of unknown size is an incomplete type. It is completed, for an identifier of that type, by specifying the size in a later declaration (with internal or external linkage). A structure or union type of unknown content (as described in is an incomplete type. It is completed, for all declarations of that type, by declaring the same structure or union tag with its defining content later in the same scope. A modifiable lvalue is an lvalue that does not have array type, does not have an incomplete type, does not have a constqualified type, and if it is a structure or union, does not have any member (including, recursively, any member or element of all contained aggregates or unions) with a constqualified type. If the lvalue has an incomplete type and does not have array type, the behavior is undefined. The sizeof operator shall not be applied to an expression that has function type or an incomplete type, to the parenthesized name of such a type, or to an expression that designates a bit-field member. The _Alignof operator shall not be applied to a function type or an incomplete type. fn129 An incomplete type may only by used when the size of an object of that type is not needed. It is not needed, for example, when a typedef name is declared to be a specifier for a structure or union, or when a pointer to or a function returning a structure or union is being declared. (See incomplete types in 6.2.5.) The specification has to be complete before such a function is called or defined. If the size is not present, the array type is an incomplete type. EXAMPLE 2 Note the distinction between the declarations extern int *x; extern int y[]; The first declares x to be a pointer to int; the second declares y to be an array of int of unspecified size (an incomplete type), the storage for which is defined elsewhere. 6.7.9p31 EXAMPLE 7 One form of initialization that completes array types involves typedef names. Given the declaration typedef int A[]; // OK - declared with block scope the declaration A a = { 1, 2 }, b = { 3, 4, 5 }; is identical to int a[] = { 1, 2 }, b[] = { 3, 4, 5 }; due to the rules for incomplete types. 6.9.2p3 If the declaration of an identifier for an object is a tentative definition and has internal linkage, the declared type shall not be an incomplete type. 6.9.2p5 EXAMPLE 2 If at the end of the translation unit containing int i[]; the array i still has incomplete type, the implicit initializer causes it to have one element, which is set to zero on program startup. 6.2.5p1 At various points within a translation unit an object type may be incomplete (lacking sufficient information to determine the size of objects of that type) or complete (having sufficient information). 6.2.5p19 The void type comprises an empty set of values; it is an incomplete object type that cannot be completed. A structure or union shall not contain a member with incomplete or function type (hence, a structure shall not contain an instance of itself, but may contain a pointer to an instance of itself), except that the last member of a structure with more than one named member may have incomplete array type; such a structure (and any union containing, possibly recursively, a member that is such a structure) shall not be a member of a structure or an element of an array. The [struct/union] type is incomplete until immediately after the } that terminates the list, and complete thereafter. As a special case, the last element of a structure with more than one named member may have an incomplete array type; this is called a flexible array member. In most situations, the flexible array member is ignored. In particular, the size of the structure is as if the flexible array member were omitted except that it may have more trailing padding than the omission would imply. Howev er, when a . (or ->) operator has a left operand that is (a pointer to) a structure with a flexible array member and the right operand names that member, it behaves as if that member were replaced with the longest array (with the same element type) that would not make the structure larger than the object being accessed; the offset of the array shall remain that of the flexible array member, even if this would differ from that of the replacement array. If this array would have no elements, it behaves as if it had one element but the behavior is undefined if any attempt is made to access that element or to generate a pointer one past it. Each enumerated type shall be compatible with char, a signed integer type, or an unsigned integer type. The choice of type is implementation-defined,128) but shall be capable of representing the values of all the members of the enumeration. The enumerated type is incomplete until immediately after the } that terminates the list of enumerator declarations, and complete thereafter. If a type specifier of the form struct-or-union identifier occurs other than as part of one of the above forms, and no other declaration of the identifier as a tag is visible, then it declares an incomplete structure or union type, and declares the identifier as the tag of that type. ## Complex FN24 The evaluation method determines evaluation formats of expressions involving all floating types, not just real types. For example, if FLT_EVAL_METHOD is 1, then the product of two float _Complex operands is represented in the double _Complex format, and its parts are evaluated to double. 6.2.5p11-13 There are three complex types, designated as float _Complex, double _Complex, and long double _Complex.43) (Complex types are a conditional feature that implementations need not support; see The real floating and complex types are collectively called the floating types. For each floating type there is a corresponding real type, which is always a real floating type. For real floating types, it is the same type. For complex types, it is the type given by deleting the keyword _Complex from the type name. Each complex type has the same representation and alignment requirements as an array type containing exactly two elements of the corresponding real type; the first element is equal to the real part, and the second element to the imaginary part, of the complex number. STDC_NO_COMPLEX _ _STDC_IEC_559_COMPLEX_ _ complex == _Complex float complex double complex long double complex _Complex_I _Imaginary _Imaginary_I I expands to _Imaginary_I if there, else _Complex_I https://en.cppreference.com/w/c/numeric/complex/imaginary pragma STDC CX_LIMITED_RANGE All the math function CMPLX